Think Small First

At the heart of the European SBA is the conviction that achieving the best possible framework conditions for SMEs depends primarily on the recognition of entrepreneurs from society. The general climate in society should lead individuals to consider the option of starting their own business as attractive, and acknowledge that SMEs contribute substantially to employment growth and economic prosperity. As a key contribution to achieving a favorable environment for SMEs the perception of the role of entrepreneurs and risk-taking in the EU should be changed: entrepreneurship and the associated willingness to take risks should be applauded by political leaders and the media and be assisted by the administrative authorities. Creating favorable conditions for SMEs to become a common policy based on the conviction that rules must respect the majority of those who will use them: the “Think Small First” principle.
Because of this “Small Business Act” aims to improve the overall policy approach to entrepreneurship, to irreversibly anchor the “Think Small First” principle in the process of decision-making from regulation to public service, and to promote SMEs’ growth helping them tackle the remaining problems which hamper their development.
The SBA builds on the achievements of the policy of the Commission and the Member States, it creates a new policy framework which integrates the existing instruments in enterprise policy and is based in particular on the European Charter for Small Enterprises and the Modern SME policy. In order to implement this ambitious policy agenda, the Commission is proposing a genuine political partnership between the EU and Member States that respects the principles of subsidiarity and proportionality.

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